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This missing-person investigative Web site was designed by, and is hosted and maintained by, Michael Neiger, Lead Investigator with Michigan Backcountry Search and Rescue (MibSAR), a small, Long Range Special Operations Group (LRSOG) whose search-and-recovery operators are dedicated to investigating select unsolved missing-person cases and felony cold cases in the remote bush between the Great Lakes in northern Michigan, USA, and the Arctic Ocean’s Lower Hudson Bay in Ontario, Canada.

All searches, investigations, work products, and other services are provided free of charge to victims, their families, and agencies of jurisdiction.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Kyle Mosher's missing-person Web site.

If you know something—please say something!


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Kyle Mosher's life in photos

Kyle Mosher, with his Son.


Kyle Mosher, with his Sister and Mother.

More photos...


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Online case info

National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) FindTheMissing case info.


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Read Fox 32 News story here.



Read 9and10 ABC News story here.


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Web badges

To save one of Kyle's Web badges on to your computer, or share one on social media, simply hoover your mouse over a badge, "right click" the mouse, and select the "Save Image As" menu option. You can also "drag" a badge onto your desktop by hovering your mouse over the badge, holding the left mouse button down, dragging the badge onto your desktop, and releasing the left button.




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Official missing-person poster

Download or print an Adobe PDF copy of Kyle's poster here.

To save a JPEG copy of Kyle's poster to your computer, or share it on social media, simply hover your mouse over the poster, "right click" the mouse, and select the "Save Image As" menu option. You can also "drag" the poster image onto your desktop by hovering your mouse over the poster, holding the left mouse button down, dragging the badge onto your desktop, and releasing the left button.

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$10,000 reward for tips

The Father of Kyle Mosher is offering a $10,000 reward for information that helps authorities locate his son.

If you know what happened to Kyle Mosher, or witnessed something involving him, please reach out to the Michigan State Police or Crime Stoppers. Thank You!

Michigan State Police Cadillac Post contacts:

  • Phone:  1.231.779.6020
  • Fax:     1.231.775.1533
  • Facebook
  • Web



Crime Stoppers Tip-Reporting Options:



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You are here:

This missing-person investigative Web site was designed by, and is hosted and maintained by, Michael Neiger, Lead Investigator with Michigan Backcountry Search and Rescue (MibSAR), a small, Long Range Special Operations Group (LRSOG) whose search-and-recovery operators are dedicated to investigating select unsolved missing-person cases and felony cold cases in the remote bush between the Great Lakes in northern Michigan, USA, and the Arctic Ocean’s Lower Hudson Bay in Ontario, Canada. All searches, investigations, work products, and other services are provided free of charge to victims, their families, and agencies of jurisdiction.

Thank you for taking the time to visit Kyle Mosher's missing-person Web site.

If you know something—please say something!